bonjour moi j’ai fait script python pour afficher Linux logo faire un bleachbit mais je le modifie pour le laisser faire un bleachbit et qu’il s’éteigne
c’est mon premier script , Désoler s’il est degueux
-- coding: latin-1 --
print(“Hello, Priviet , Nihao , Hola”)
print("this script will run linuxlogo & bleachbit cleaner and shutdown your computer, tested in DEBIAN , feel free to modify as you want ")
raw_input(“Press Enter to continue…”)
print(“follow me on twitter i follow back @sincerebroth , and VK”)
raw_input(“Press Enter to continue…”)
import os
os.system(“sudo apt-get install bleachbit”)
import os
os.system(“sudo apt-get install linuxlogo”)
import os
raw_input(“Press Enter to continue…”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --list”)
print("this is a list of all the bleachbit command that you can run to clean on your computer , you can customize my script here ")
raw_input(“Press Enter to continue…”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean apt.autoclean”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean apt.autoremove”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean apt.clean”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean bash.history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean chromium.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean chromium.cookies”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean chromium.current_session”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean chromium.dom”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean chromium.form_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean chromium.history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean chromium.search_engines”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean chromium.vacuum”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean deepscan.backup”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean deepscan.ds_store”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean deepscan.thumbs_db”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean deepscan.tmp”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.cookies”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.crash_reports”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.dom”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.download_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.forms”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.passwords”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.session_restore”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.site_preferences”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.url_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean firefox.vacuum”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean flash.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean flash.cookies”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean gimp.tmp”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean gnome.search_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_chrome.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_chrome.cookies”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_chrome.dom”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_chrome.form_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_chrome.history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_chrome.search_engines”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_chrome.session”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_chrome.vacuum”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean google_earth.temporary_files”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean java.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean kde.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean kde.tmp”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean konqueror.cookies”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean konqueror.url_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean opera.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean opera.cookies”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean opera.current_session”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean opera.dom”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean opera.download_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean opera.search_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean opera.url_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean seamonkey.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean seamonkey.chat_logs”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean seamonkey.cookies”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean seamonkey.download_history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean seamonkey.history”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean skype.chat_logs”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean system.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean system.clipboard”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean system.localizations”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean system.memory”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean system.recent_documents”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean system.rotated_logs”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean system.tmp”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean system.trash”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean thumbnails.cache”)
import os
os.system(“bleachbit --clean transmission.cache”)
print(“shutdown the computer”)
print(“shutdown system in 10 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 9 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 8 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 7 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 6 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 5 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 4 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 3 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 2 second”)
print(“shutdown system in 1 second”)
import os
os.system(“shutdown -h now”)