Lorsque j’utilise privoxy et me ballade sur le forum, la chage processeur augmente très fortement, faisant un bon chauffage d’appoint. Mais dommage, c’est pas l’hiver.
D’après la FAQ, cela viendrait des nombreuses “lignes vides” du forum :
[quote]5.18. At one site Privoxy just hangs, and starts taking all CPU. Why is this?
This is probably a manifestation of the “100% cpu” problem that occurs on pages containing many (thousands upon thousands) of blank lines. The blank lines are in the raw HTML source of the page, and the browser just ignores them. But the pattern matching in Privoxy’s page filtering mechanism is trying to match against absurdly long strings and this becomes very CPU-intensive, taking a long, long time to complete.
Until a better solution comes along, disable filtering on these pages, particularly the js-annoyances and unsolicited-popups filters. If you run into this problem with a recent Privoxy version, please send a problem report.[/quote]
Ce n’est pas un problème trop grave en soi, mais je signale en passant, au cas où ça peut être réglé facilement.