j’ai monté un vieux netbook en passerelle
sur le netbook j’ai installé un contrôle d’accès pour enfants basé sur Dansguardian et Privoxy
Dansguardian est configuré ainsi
cat /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf
reportinglevel = 3
languagedir = '/etc/dansguardian/languages’
language = 'french’
loglevel = 2
logexceptionhits = 2
logfileformat = 1
filterip =
filterport = 8080
proxyip =
proxyport = 8118
accessdeniedaddress = 'http://YOURSERVER.YOURDOMAIN/cgi-bin/’
nonstandarddelimiter = on
usecustombannedimage = on
custombannedimagefile = '/usr/share/dansguardian/transparent1x1.gif’
filtergroups = 1
filtergroupslist = '/etc/dansguardian/lists/filtergroupslist’
bannediplist = '/etc/dansguardian/lists/bannediplist’
exceptioniplist = '/etc/dansguardian/lists/exceptioniplist’
showweightedfound = on
weightedphrasemode = 2
urlcachenumber = 1000
urlcacheage = 900
scancleancache = on
phrasefiltermode = 2
preservecase = 0
hexdecodecontent = off
forcequicksearch = off
reverseaddresslookups = off
reverseclientiplookups = off
logclienthostnames = off
createlistcachefiles = on
maxuploadsize = -1
maxcontentfiltersize = 256
maxcontentramcachescansize = 2000
maxcontentfilecachescansize = 20000
filecachedir = '/tmp’
deletedownloadedtempfiles = on
initialtrickledelay = 20
trickledelay = 10
downloadmanager = '/etc/dansguardian/downloadmanagers/fancy.conf’
downloadmanager = '/etc/dansguardian/downloadmanagers/default.conf’
contentscannertimeout = 60
contentscanexceptions = off
recheckreplacedurls = off
forwardedfor = off
usexforwardedfor = off
logconnectionhandlingerrors = on
logchildprocesshandling = off
maxchildren = 120
minchildren = 8
minsparechildren = 4
preforkchildren = 6
maxsparechildren = 32
maxagechildren = 500
maxips = 0
ipcfilename = '/tmp/.dguardianipc’
urlipcfilename = '/tmp/.dguardianurlipc’
ipipcfilename = '/tmp/.dguardianipipc’
nodaemon = off
nologger = off
logadblocks = off
loguseragent = off
softrestart = off
mailer = ‘/usr/sbin/sendmail -t’
et privoxy ainsi
cat /etc/privoxy/config
user-manual /usr/share/doc/privoxy/user-manual
confdir /etc/privoxy
logdir /var/log/privoxy
actionsfile match-all.action # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe overruled later on.
actionsfile default.action # Main actions file
actionsfile user.action # User customizations
filterfile default.filter
filterfile user.filter # User customizations
logfile logfile
listen-address localhost:8118
toggle 1
enable-remote-toggle 0
enable-remote-http-toggle 0
enable-edit-actions 0
enforce-blocks 0
buffer-limit 4096
enable-proxy-authentication-forwarding 0
forwarded-connect-retries 0
accept-intercepted-requests 0
allow-cgi-request-crunching 0
split-large-forms 0
keep-alive-timeout 5
tolerate-pipelining 1
socket-timeout 300
je désire que tout mon réseau interne wlan0 soit filtré par Dansguardian/Privoxy
je n’arrive pas avec iptables à filtrer mon accés web depuis mon réseau interne
quels sont les règles d’iptables permettant de le faire
merci de vos aides