j’ai trouvé ça :[quote=“debian live faq”]To add more repositories (e.g. backports, experimental packages, etc…), create config/chroot_sources/your-cdd-repo.{chroot,binary} file.
e.g. config/chroot_sources/live.chroot allows to install packages from the debian live snapshot repository at live-cd build time (you have to add the packages in your package list):
deb live.debian.net/debian/ ./
If you add the line to config/chroot_sources/live.binary the repository will be added to your live-system’s /etc/apt/sources.list.
If such files exist, they will be picked up automatically.
You can also put the gpg-key used to sign the repository into config/chroot_sources/foo.{binary,chroot}.gpg[/quote]J’espère que ça pourra t’aider.