Portage de script python 2.7 fonctionnel vers python 3.7

Suite du sujet Ajouter un espace entre des chiffres et des lettres en python :

Bah voilà … obligation de porter les scripts en python 3.

Du coup je m’appuie sur l’outil 2to3 mais je rencontre pas mal de chose à modifier :confused:

Par exemple :

root@:~/scripts/zabbix# 2to3 zabbix-docker-discover.py
RefactoringTool: Skipping optional fixer: buffer
RefactoringTool: Skipping optional fixer: idioms
RefactoringTool: Skipping optional fixer: set_literal
RefactoringTool: Skipping optional fixer: ws_comma
RefactoringTool: Refactored zabbix-docker-discover.py
--- zabbix-docker-discover.py   (original)
+++ zabbix-docker-discover.py   (refactored)
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@

-print json.dumps(s_json)
RefactoringTool: Files that need to be modified:
RefactoringTool: zabbix-docker-discover.py

Avec le code actuel :


# zabbix-docker-discover.py
#   A program that produces LLD information for Zabbix to
#   process Docker instances.

import subprocess
import json

strings = subprocess.Popen('docker ps -a', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readline()                    

l = list()
for i in range(1, len(strings)):
    pstring = strings[i].split()
    d = dict()
    d['{#ZD_ID}'] = pstring[0]
    d['{#ZD_IMAGE}'] = pstring[1]
    d['{#ZD_NAME}'] = pstring[-1]

s_json = dict()
s_json['data'] = l

print json.dumps(s_json)

Quelqu’un peux me dire ce qu’il ne lui plait pas en python3 avec m petits tuples ? (attention je reste novice en python !).


print() devient une fonction à partir de Python3.

Donc tous les appels de la forme :

print "blabla"

doivent devenir :


J’aurai du le préciser mais pour ça c’est suffisamment explicite via l’outil 2to3 intégré à python :

-print json.dumps(s_json)

ce qui me pose souci c’est plus la ligne 30 :confused:

@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@

La ligne 30 est citée pour avoir un peu de contexte, il n’y a pas de problème particulier avec cela.

Par contre, je doute que le script en question fonctionne correctement, ce serait pas plutôt readlines() avec un s ?

L’ensemble de scripts python sur lesquels je travaille actuellement pour être porter vers python3 était tous pleinement fonctionnel en python version 2.7 Debian vanilla.

en lieu et place de la fonction pour construire le dictionnaire que j’exploite après coup ?

En fait, je pense que la ligne :

strings = subprocess.Popen('docker ps -a', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readline()

devrait plutôt être :

 strings = subprocess.Popen('docker ps -a', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines()

Ensuite, tu auras un autre problème, c’est que cette variable strings ne va contenir que des bytes, et le module json s’attend à obtenir des variables de type str.

Un moyen simple de corriger cela est de remplacer :

pstring = strings[i].split()

par :

pstring = strings[i].decode().split()

Tout dépend si tes scripts doivent continuer à fonctionner avec PY2 ou pas.

Ah oui effectivement, j’avais pas vue ça.

Non mes scripts n’ont pas vocation à être rétrocompatible, je vais regarder ça.

La nuit porte conseils dit-on … du coup gros ménage, je factorise et je nettoie, je refait l’intégralité de mes scripts dans un seul et même script (tant pis pour la facilité de maintenance, qui de toute façon n’est pas présente).

Et après une bonne heure et demi je maudit le sort.

Un ami m’envoi un zoli lien vers Zabbix share (pour ceux qui ne connaissent).

et patras :

# originaly from 
import os
import json
import argparse
import sys
import time
import re
from datetime import datetime
import glob

_STAT_RE = re.compile("(\w+)\s(\w+)")
# check debug mode given in container startup
_DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG", False)

# discover containers
def discover():
	d = {}
	d["data"] = []
	with os.popen("docker ps -a --format \"{{.Names}} {{.ID}}\"") as pipe:
		for line in pipe:
			ps = {}
			ps["{#CONTAINERNAME}"] = line.strip().split()[0]
			ps["{#CONTAINERID}"] = line.strip().split()[1]
	print (json.dumps(d))

def count_running():
	with os.popen("docker ps -q | wc -l") as pipe:
		print (pipe.readline().strip())

# status: 0 = no container found, 1 = running, 2 = closed, 3 = abnormal
def status(args):
	with os.popen("docker inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' " + args.container + " 2>&1") as pipe:
		status = pipe.read().strip()

	if "Error: No such object:" in status:
		print ("0")
	elif status == 'running':
		print ("10")
	elif status == 'created':
		print ("1")
	elif status == 'restarting':
		print ("2")
	elif status == 'removing':
		print ("3")
	elif status == 'paused':
		print ("4")
	elif status == 'exited':
		print ("5")
	elif status == 'dead':
		print ("6")
	else: print ("0")
# get the uptime in seconds, if the container is running
def uptime(args):
	with os.popen("docker inspect -f '{{json .State}}' " + args.container + " 2>&1") as pipe:
		status = pipe.read().strip()
	if "No such image or container" in status:
		print ("0")
		statusjs = json.loads(status)
		if statusjs["Running"]:
			uptime = statusjs["StartedAt"]
			start = time.strptime(uptime[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
			print (int(time.time() - time.mktime(start)))
			print ("0")

def disk(args):
	with os.popen("docker inspect -s -f {{.SizeRootFs}} " + args.container + " 2>&1") as pipe:
		stat = pipe.read().strip()
	# test that the docker command succeeded and pipe contained data
	if not 'stat' in locals():
		stat = ""
	print (stat.split()[0])

def cpu(args):
	#container_dir = glob.glob("/host/cgroup/cpuacct/docker/" + args.container)
	container_dir = "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct"
	# cpu usage in nanoseconds
	cpuacct_usage_last = single_stat_check(args, "cpuacct.usage")
	cpuacct_usage_new = single_stat_update(args, container_dir, "cpuacct.usage")
	last_change = update_stat_time(args, "cpuacct.usage.utime")
	# time used in division should be in nanoseconds scale, but take into account
	# also that we want percentage of cpu which is x 100, so only multiply by 10 million
	time_diff = (time.time() - float(last_change)) * 10000000

	cpu = (int(cpuacct_usage_new) - int(cpuacct_usage_last)) / time_diff
	print ("{:.2f}".format(cpu))

def net_received(args):
	container_dir = "/sys/devices/virtual/net/eth0/statistics"
	eth_last = single_stat_check(args, "/rx_bytes")
	eth_new = single_stat_update(args, container_dir, "/rx_bytes")
	last_change = update_stat_time(args, "rx_bytes.utime")
	# we are dealing with seconds here, so no need to multiply
	time_diff = (time.time() - float(last_change))
	eth_bytes_per_second = (int(eth_new) - int(eth_last))/ time_diff
	print (int(eth_bytes_per_second))

def net_sent(args):
	container_dir = "/sys/devices/virtual/net/eth0/statistics"
	eth_last = single_stat_check(args, "/tx_bytes")
	eth_new = single_stat_update(args, container_dir, "/tx_bytes")
	last_change = update_stat_time(args, "tx_bytes.utime")
	# we are dealing with seconds here, so no need to multiply
	time_diff = (time.time() - float(last_change))
	eth_bytes_per_second = (int(eth_new) - int(eth_last))/ time_diff
	print (int(eth_bytes_per_second))

# helper, fetch and update the time when stat has been updated
# used in cpu calculation
def update_stat_time(args, filename):
		with open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename, "r+") as f:
			stat_time = f.readline()
			curtime = str(time.time())

	except Exception:
		if not os.path.isfile("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename):
			# bootstrap with one second (epoch), which makes sure we dont divide
			# by zero and causes the stat calcucation to start with close to zero value
			stat_time = 1
			f = open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename,"w")
	return stat_time

# helper function to gather single stats
def single_stat_check(args, filename):

		with open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename, "r") as f:
			stat = f.read().strip()
	except Exception:
		if not os.path.isdir("/tmp/" + args.container):
			os.mkdir("/tmp/" + args.container)

		# first time running for this container, bootstrap with empty zero
		stat = "0"
		f = open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename,"w")
		f.write(str(stat) + '\n')

	return stat

# helper function to update single stats
def single_stat_update(args, container_dir, filename):

	pipe = os.popen("docker exec " + args.container + " cat " + container_dir + "/" + filename  + " 2>&1")
	for line in pipe:
		stat = line
	# test that the docker command succeeded and pipe contained data
	if not 'stat' in locals():
		stat = ""
		f = open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename,"w")
	except Exception:
		if not os.path.isdir("/tmp/" + args.container):
			os.mkdir("/tmp/" + args.container)
		with open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename, "w") as f:

	return stat

# helper function to gather stat type data (multiple rows of key value pairs)
def multi_stat_check(args, filename):
	dict = {}
		with open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename, "r") as f:
			for line in f:
				m = _STAT_RE.match(line)
				if m:
					dict[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
	except Exception:
		if not os.path.isdir("/tmp/" + args.container):
			os.mkdir("/tmp/" + args.container)
		debug(args.container + ": could not get last stats from " + filename)

		# first time running for this container create empty file
		open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename,"w").close()
	return dict

def multi_stat_update(args, container_dir, filename):
	dict = {}
		pipe = os.popen("docker exec " + args.container + " cat " + container_dir + "/" + filename  + " 2>&1")
		for line in pipe:
			m = _STAT_RE.match(line)
			if m:
				dict[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
		f = open("/tmp/" + args.container + "/" + filename,"w")

		for key in dict.keys():
			f.write(key + " " + dict[key] + "\n")
	except Exception:
		debug(args.container + ": could not update " + filename)
	return dict

def memory(args):
	container_dir = "/sys/fs/cgroup/memory"
	memory_stat_last = {}
	memory_stat_new = {}
	memory_usage_last = single_stat_update(args, container_dir, "memory.usage_in_bytes")
	print (memory_usage_last.strip())

def debug(output):
	if _DEBUG:
		if not "debuglog" in globals():
			global debuglog
			debuglog = open("debuglog","a")
		timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S : ", time.gmtime())
		debuglog.write(timestamp + str(output)+"\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

	if len(sys.argv) > 2:

		parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="discover.py", description="discover and get stats from docker containers")
		parser.add_argument("container", help="container id")
		parser.add_argument("stat", help="container stat", choices=["status", "uptime", "cpu","mem", "disk", "netin", "netout"])
		args = parser.parse_args()
		# validate the parameter for container
		m = re.match("(^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$)", args.container)
		if not m:
			print ("Invalid parameter for container id detected")
			debug("Invalid parameter for container id detected" + str(args.container))

		# call the correct function to get the stats
		if args.stat == "status":
			debug("calling status for " + args.container)
		elif args.stat == "uptime":
			debug("calling uptime for " + args.container)
		elif args.stat == "cpu":
			debug("calling cpu for " + args.container)
		elif args.stat == "mem":
			debug("calling memory for " + args.container)
		elif args.stat == "disk":
			debug("calling disk for " + args.container)
		elif args.stat == "netin":
			debug("calling net_received for " + args.container)
		elif args.stat == "netout":
			debug("calling net_sent for " + args.container)
	elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
		if sys.argv[1] == "count":
			debug("calling count")
		debug("discovery called.")

	if "debuglog" in globals():

Pourquoi réinventé la roue lorsque la roue …

Merci quand même, sachant que je suis un peu pressé par le temps, je reprendrai sans doute mes scripts pour comprendre ce qui ne fonctionne plus en python 3 avec …

@Arnaud : en tout cas bien vu avec le s manquant, à force de manipuler mes scripts j’avais zappé ça (mais le s était bien présent sur mes scripts ne production :stuck_out_tongue: ).